Friday, June 14, 2013

The Nine Gems

Oottukkāḍu Vēṇkaṭa Kavi  was an illustrious composer, with many novel ideas and creativity to his credit. One such outstanding piece of work is the lesser known ‘Kāmākṣhi Navāvaraṇams’. Akin to the Kamalāmbā Navāraṇa krtis by Muttuswāmy Dikshitar, these nine gems are each a piece of art to be awed at.  A short study on each of these:

The first composition on Vināyaka:
Shree Gaṇēshwara
He hails Lord Vināyaka as the Upāsaka of the Shreevidya upāsana.
The Panchāyatana pooja is mentioned in the composition, which is the type of Pooja where one Iṣhṭha daivata is surrounded by 4 other Gods. In this case the Iṣhṭha daivata is Vināyaka.
Adorning the Vakuḷa mālikā.
Vēda pārāvāra vihāra- One who resides in the ocean of the Vēdās

Dhyāna Krti
Vānchasi yadi kushalam
Bindu Chakra nilaya- One who resides in the Bindu chakra
nija mōda sadā ramaneeya shivāmrta nāma japa – one who is constantly in the meditation of the sweet name of Shiva, with utter fervor
Māṇikya manōhara veeṇā dharaṇām- holding the gem studded Veeṇā

1st Avaraṇa Krti
Santatam aham sēvē
Trailōkya Mōhana chakra
Bindu chakra nilayē- One who resides in the Bindu chakra
Brāhmi, Mahēshwari, Sankṣhōbhini, Vidrāviṇi, etc. mentioned in the composition, are the Dēvis surrounding the first Chakra.

2nd Avaraṇa Krti
Bhajasva shree
Sarva Āsha Paripooraka chakra
Specifically mentions Ṣhoḍasha daḷa sarvāsha paripooraka chakrēshwari – the goddess of the 16 petalled sarvāsha paripooraka chakra
shashadhara vadani – different way of expressing ‘moon- faced’, one whose face is like the wearer of the rabbit.
shishirita bhuvani – one who cools the earth

3rd Avaraṇa Krti
Sarva jeeva
sarva samkṣhōbhaṇa chakra
sadānanda shiva beeja mantrēshvari – One who is constantly in the mantra of the ever blissful Shiva Bheeja.
The yōginee is Guptatara yogini
Anaṇga kusuma is one of the Shaktis
bhaṇḍāsura chhēdini – One who destroyed bhaṇḍāsura
veeṇā dhāriṇi – One who holds the veeṇā

4th Āvaraṇa Krti
Yōga yōgēshwari
Sarva Sowbhāgya Dāyaka chakra
Chaturdasha Koṇēshwari – The goddess of Chaturdasha kona
nāgaratna tālapatra kanakābhē - palm leaf, kind of ear ornament, similar to Gold
hamsa toolikā talpa sārē – on a seat made of goose-cotton", the soft feathers or down of a goose. 
Ēkāmra taru moolē - One who is under the tree that bears a single mango.

5th Avaraṇa Krti
Neela lōhita ramaṇi
Sarvārtha sādhaka chakra
neela lōhita ramaṇi – A woman of the color, Blue and Red.
the one among the Kulōtterṇa yoginis.
vashitva siddhi varadē - the Giver of the unusual skill of mastery over one’s self, self - command.
the one residing in the Bahirdasha chakra
Awakener of haim kḷeem sowm bheeja

6th Avaraṇa Krti
Sadānanda mayi
sarva rakṣhākarāntardashāra chakra
In the midst of Nigarbha Yōgini
Prākāmya varadē - Giver of freedom of will
Worshipped by the suras, vāsava, pāvaka, shamana, nairta, yādasāmpati, pavana, dhanada, eeshāna, dishāmpati, nārada muni, etc.
Chintāmaṇi grha vāsini - Who resides in Chintāmaṇi (touchstone)

7th Avaraṇa Krti
Sakala lōka nāyikē
sarva rōga hara chakra
a ka cha ṭa ta pa ya ra la va kṣhādi shānta akṣhara mayi – One who is the ḍorm oḍ the aksṣaras, a ka cha ṭa ta pa ya ra la va, from kṣha to sha
Gōvinda sōdari – the sister of Gōvinda
The Goddess of the chakra – Tripura Siddhā
One belonging to the family of rahasya yogini
shata dinakara sama dyuti mukha jālē – one whose face radiates the splendour of a hundred suns

8th Avaraṇa Krti
sarva siddhi pradāyaka chakra
mangaḷakara kunkuma dhara mandasmita mukha vilāsini – One, whose smiling face is adorned by the auspicious vermillion.
venkaṭa kavi hrdi sarasija vivaraṇā paṭutara bhāsini – One who has a detailed and keen understanding of Venkata Kavi’s lotus like heart (his own name is mentioned as mudra)
ati rahasya yōginee parivārē – One who belongs to the family of  ati rahasya yōginee
girirāja vara tanayē – The daughter of the King of Mountains
Nididhyāsana is the mental state of the Chakra
sadā chidambara nartana padayuga samakara naṭanādhipatē -  the queen of dance that always equals the two dancing feet of the Chidambara dance.

9th Avaraṇa Krti
Natajana kalpavalli
sarvānandamaya chakra
shreepura bindu madhyē – One who resides in the Bindu in Shripura
sharadindu mukhē – One whose face resembles that of the autumn moon
navāvaraṇa gāna dhyāna yōga japa tapa rasikē – One who relishes the singing, meditating and the penance of the Navāvaraṇam-s

Phala Sthuthi
o Akhilāṇḍeshwari! Please grant us the boon of attaining Haladharānuja, the younger brother of Balarama who is the wielder of the plough.
poorvam rāmāvtāram – The one who took the Rāmāvatāram earlier.
kāḷeeya phaṇa pada nyāsam – Who dances on the hood of Kāḷeeya (is considered his mudra)


  1. vow very nice of you to write on these. you have great knowledge on this subject.

  2. Well "neela lōhita ramaṇi – A woman of the color, Blue and Red." I dont think this is the correct meaning. What does "ramani" mean?? One who is loved :) So here neela lohita refers to Lord Shiva, and ramani is one who is loved by Lord Shiva. So the correct meaning for Neela lohita ramani is "One who is Loved by Lord Shiva" that is none other than Ambal :)

    Hope this helps
